Monday 23 December 2013

Steps Involved In Medical Waste Disposal Florida

By Harriett Crosby

There are certain stages which must be considered in ensuring that medical wastes are disposed in a good way. This article considers some of the necessary stages involved in Medical Waste Disposal Florida. Medical wastes may be defined as the wastes which are normally generated at the medical care facility.

It is prudent to start by highlighting examples of these wastes. The examples includes the following, bandages soaked with blood, glassware, discarded surgical gloves, removed body organs, discarded needles and syringes and also discarded lancets.

The first step is segregation and containerization. At this stage all the wastes are separated in to various categories. This step takes place at the point where the wastes are produced. This stage is important since it prevents the wastes from reacting with each other. This stage is also important since they are disposed using different means. After the segregation, the wastes should be placed in a proper wastes bag or container. The wastes bags and the containers should also be marked for easy identification.

After the separation stage, the next step is transferring them in to an intermediate storage facility. Intermediate storage facility is normally used to store the wastes when they are waiting to be transferred to one place where the wastes are treated before being disposed off. This will enable the wastes to be removed from the place where they are generated daily. This is due to the fact that they are generated where patients are. The patience may not know how to handle the wastes therefore it is significant that the wastes are removed from the place where any other person can reach them.

Internal transportation of the wastes is the next step. They should be transported using a trolley from the areas where they are generated to the central place. The trolley to be used should be one which will enable easy loading and offloading of the wastes. The trolley should also not have sharp edges which might damage the wastes bags. The transportation must also be done in a way that cross termination is avoided.

There should be a central place where all the wastes are being collected before being treated. This central place should be able to accommodate all the wastes which are generated in the place. This place were the wastes are being collected should not be accessed by any other person other than those who are authorized to do so. Those handling the wastes must also ensure that their hands are covered with gloves.

From the intermediary storage, the next step is to transport the to the central collection center where they are stored before taken for treatment and finally disposal. They should not be kept for longer period at this central storage place. At this place, the wastes are treated and disinfected using various methods. After the treatment the next stage which follows is the transportation to the place where the wastes are going to be disposed.

The other step is in regard to treatment of the wastes. It is important that the wastes materials should be treated first before being disposed of. This ate the necessary stages to undertake in Medical Waste Disposal Florida.

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