Saturday 28 December 2013

Career Choices That Are Very Stressful

By George Dodson

Every sort of job has stress. Some are very stressful while others are a little less. Stressful jobs have great impact on a human body and mind. Although people prefer less stressful jobs but it is not always possible to get what one wants. What are the most stressful jobs are discussed in this article.

More than any other profession IT seems to have struggled a lot because of stress. Most of the IT professionals find their work stressful. Most of the employees feel stressful even before entering their work field.

The medical profession is considered to be the second most stressful job. Doctors have to use their brains to a great extent in this profession. They study and then apply the knowledge to treat patients on a daily basis. They hardly get any time for their own. They also go through a lot of stress during the time of surgeries. Utmost care as well as concentration is needed in the operation theater. Moreover, a doctor has more responsibility than most other professionals because many lives are depended on his service.

The engineers also have to suffer much from stress. They need to be very careful as even a little mistake can be harmful for their career. Maximum security is another main requirement of their job.

Sales and marketing jobs are also very stressful. Professionals on sales department always remain busy in maintaining extreme pressure of customers. During busy hours it becomes really difficult for sales people to go to the toilet. They need to be very nice when dealing with the customers. Unlike the sales managers, marketing officials have to remain tremendously busy in convincing the customers and put more emphasis on intelligence. They always have to figure out innovative ideas to support their job.

Teaching is another largely stressful job. The main purpose of the teacher is to provide good education. Teachers have to cope with different sorts of pressure when in classroom. Other than taking class, they have to execute another highly toilsome work of examining the exam scripts. A good teacher needs to pay a lot of attention to the students.

Finance persons also face a lot of stress in their work field. They need to be very careful with the accounts. Their jobs can come under scrutiny if any miscalculation occurs. Financial consultants have to ensure innovative and productive service to their clients. HR people also face a lot of workload. Selecting and sorting out competent people for many jobs is not at all easy. At times they are very stressed.

People who work at production sector have many tough duties. From manager to machine operator, all have to remain extremely busy. Maintaining deadlines is also very important for this profession. The production sector workers pressurise their brains a lot.

Clerical jobs can also be regarded as very stressful. They listen to the upper level bosses and also take care of the needs of the customers.

The most stressful jobs have been discussed above. Less pay also make the job more stressful. Strict deadline is also a major concern for the people. Stress no doubt has an impact on a person?s longevity. A balanced diet and proper rest can help you stay fit. Recreation is also highly needed to get rid of monotony generated from stress.

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