Thursday 20 December 2012

Flipping Houses: 3 Powerful Words To Guide You!

By Andrew Maestro Massaro

"Everything you hear, see, touch, taste, smell or sense in any way is an aspect of divinity. It is when you judge it to be something else that it shows up as something else in your life. Therefore, judge not, and neither condemn."

- Neale Donald Walsch

The following are three most powerful words you have to take advantage of. I recommend that you incorporate these words in your day to day vocabulary... like now.

1. Appreciation

Appreciation is equivalent to love. And love is the optimal choice you can possibly make. It's been declared that every single thought, word and deed emanates from either love or fear. And, if you choose love all the time, you'll have a magnificent life. Try it...Experience it.

Oh, and love is a choice, not an emotion.

2. Gratitude

It's also been perceived that the most powerful prayers are prayers of gratitude, as though the things you undoubtedly are asking for is a foregone conclusion... and you are simply just communicating your gratitude. Expressing gratefulness for something before you even have it is true faith.

Take a look at this great article: True Secret To Success

3. Abundance

Abundance is what I'm after... not money. Money can come and go. Did Mother Theresa have a lot of money? No. In fact, she had none. She took a vow of poverty in order to align herself with the people she was caring for. But, she had a world of abundance and resources. She could travel the world without spending a dime. And, she raised more money for her cause than any of us will probably see in our lifetime.

Abundance. It's all over the place surrounding you.

So, look around, right this moment, and take inventory of the astounding amount of abundance in your life. Abundance comes in a myriad of shapes and sizes - love, money, liberty, possessions, happiness, comfort and a great deal more.

So now, communicate and express your gratefulness and appreciation.

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