Monday 16 April 2018

It S All About Me. Highlighting The Good And Bad About Astrological Consultation

By Michelle Gray

Before astrology can be discussed it is important to know from the very get go what it is. A quick google search reveals that an astrological consultation is a chance to allow a person to talk about themselves, their goals and ambitions and ultimately their future.

Consultation offers people in stress or forms of crisis an outlet to imagine a brighter future than the present they are currently stuck in.

The belief in astrology, is not without its fault. The fundamental reason in the disapproval of astrology is that it can then be used as a scapegoat for actions individuals do not want to account for, stating phrases such as I can t help it because I this particular star sign or that particular star sign. Rather than providing legitimate reasons for their wrongdoings.

Advice relating to finances spur people to pursue some form of financial independence and to safeguard their hard earned earnings. For those seeking to make big financial decisions, and life direction, in general, can be provide to give some form of clarity one way or another on whether to make investments or not.

These consultations also play a significant role in helping people realise which personality traits would best suit their personality and vice versa. For some people, this can go a long way in helping them find a loved one but with that said, nothing about the meeting is binding in such a way that not following the advice given is or can be detrimental to a person s health or state of mind.

Although there is a decrease in the skepticism with regard to the belief of astrology and consultations as a science. There is still much to be left undesired by this particular astrological practice. The biggest culprit is that astrology leaves room for people to use it as a scapegoat, stating that its in their nature because of their particular star sign or that things were bound to turn out a specific way because of this star sign being incompatible with another.

The most controversial aspect of an astrology however, is that they often times predict the future based on the placement of planets and the celestial bodies that orbit them in order to make an informed decision. These predictions may or may not come true but regardless they do help in providing a different outlook on life and avoid potential mistakes that could have been a result prior to the consultation.

Astrology has many many benefits, especially for those who seek to empower themselves. But if this belief is taken to the extreme it can make life very difficult and in some cases unnecessarily difficult based on a prediction that may or may not come true. Therefore, it s always best to take consultations and predictions with a pinch of salt as there is no guarantee of proving their authenticity and reliability, but living awake of the opportunity life have for us.

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