Saturday 21 April 2018

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Development Improves Your Business Skills

By Scott Gibson

Newer discoveries in the development of business skills make it easier. Emotional intelligence leadership development is one concept that was discovered in 1990 that enhances business skills. In a research paper by a couple of scientists it was identified as the ability of understand emotions and how they relate to relationships. It is also the ability to control both ones own emotions and that of others. It is a major ingredient in developing business skills.

Even a person who had the best business training, enjoys plenty of ideas, and has a strong business mind, will not make the greatest business leader without these skills. It requires an understanding of all these skills as identified. It also requires the ability to use all the components of emotional intelligence. This newly discovered talent involves five components that enable a person to learn from both their own mental states and that of others. Self-awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills are involved in understanding the mental states. Even the absence of one of these components means a less than understanding of emotional intelligence.

Self-awareness is the ability to see oneself plainly, with confidence. We enjoy creativeness, and can make sounder decisions. Communications and relationships are stronger. Lying, cheating, and stealing are less likely. We get more promotions, and our leadership is stronger, give more and better employees and better companies.

Another component is self-regulation. This is the ability to control negative thoughts and impulses. It simply means being able to remain in control. It involves knowing your emotions, and those of others as well. It means being to calm oneself, and to manage relationships in a calm manner. You must further be able to motivate yourself, and recognize opportunities for self and others, and being able to be in charge at times when it is needed.

Motivating is another component. It helps the leader encourage the subordinate, as well themselves, to follow plans in their lives. It pushes an individual to work hard at achieving plans. However, there is no specific plan for motivating. As a leader, one should be aware of subordinates needs. Knowing different needs of subordinates will certainly make the decision-making process easier.

Empathy, another component, involves recognizing others' emotions, understanding things from their perspective. The leader must think beyond themselves, and recognize that people are probably not being unreasonable, but are merely responding to things based on their own perspective. The leader must think of things in that light.

Being able to use excellent communication skills with everyone is the component of social skills. It also involves having good conflict resolution skills, both for self and others. Those with this skill are able to give appropriate praise to others and to get them to accept a new project.

There are several aspects to being an effective leader. One must validate others' perspectives, look at their own attitudes, listen well to others, and try to do what the other person would want in a situation, not just guessing about the proper outcome. Recognizing and praising another based on your own idea of what is important, without thinking about their ideas, is not showing empathy. One needs to find out what the other wants and recognize them for that.

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