Tuesday 6 September 2016

During Christian Counseling Minneapolis MN Believers Can Grow Closer To God

By Mark Graham

Modern life is stressful and competitive. Many people struggle to cope with all the demands made upon them and they do not always get the support that they need from their own loved ones. The answer is to seek therapy from a qualified professional. Seeking therapy is not a weakness, as some people still seem to think. For those seeking Christian counseling Minneapolis MN is the ideal place to go.

Traditional counselling are purely based upon scientific psychological theories, techniques and methods. There are many other therapists, however, that believe that the answer to all human problems can be found in mysticism, ancient rituals and even in the teachings of long ago civilizations. Christian counselling is firmly based on the teachings of the Bible, which Christianity accepts as the Word of God and the only source of truth.

Christianity believes that God is all powerful and that there is absolutely nothing that He cannot do. God, through His teachings in the Bible, therefore also provide solutions to psychological problems. Those suffering from maladies must seek the solutions to their problem by studying the Bible and by believing in the power of God to heal. Faith based therapists aim to help their patients find these answers.

Therapists using Christianity as the foundation for treating their patients by no means deny the value of scientific psychological theories and methods. They use these therapies as part of their counselling and many faith based therapists are, in fact, qualified psychologists. Their approach differ from traditional therapists only in that they believe that the final solution to all problems can be found in the Bible.

Many faith based therapists specialize in specific fields. Some focus on relationships and marriage counselling, others on trauma therapy and others on behavioural disorders such as substance abuse. In most cases therapy consist of an initial interview, followed by one on one sessions and in many cases, group therapy as well. Patients have to understand that therapy often requires many sessions over a long period of time.

Faith based therapists are quite often faced with patients with unrealistic expectations. Such patients think that the counsellor has a direct line to God and that their problems will be solved instantly. Instead, the role of the counsellor is to lead the patient towards an understanding of his problems and feelings and towards the discovery of the solutions to those problems.

Critics of faith based therapy are often also critics of religion in general. They argue that it is irresponsible to lead people to believe in a deity that has not been proved to exist and a book that is at best an inaccurate historical record. Critics believe that all psychological treatment should be based upon scientific principles and nothing else.

The fact remains that the vast majority of Christians firmly believe that God is on control and that the answer to all questions can be found in the Scriptures. They do not deny the value of modern science. They believe that their religion and science each has its place and that one can complement the other.

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