Friday 23 September 2016

Create A Community When The Grid Goes Down

By George Thompson

Most of us have come across online communities that share stories and information about what could happen when the grid goes down. It is frightening to face life without the usual comforts of electricity and availability of food. Industries have been created around this scenario, and many people are already growing gardens and preparing for life without central air.

Unfortunately, many people become militant in their thinking when it comes to what they regard as an apocalypse. Television shows have convinced us that there will be zombies to kill, or bands of unscrupulous individuals bent on death and destruction. Gun owners create stockpiles of weapons based on the assumption that trespassers will come, and they must kill or be killed.

In any emergency situation, there will be some people who panic. Being unprepared can open the door for terrible things to happen to them. There is no reason why one in a more comfortable circumstance should become that terrible thing to someone who has had to flee their home in the face of apocalyptic scenarios.

Survivalists go on the assumption that they must be prepared to care for themselves and their loved ones in a crisis. There is nothing wrong with this notion of independent existence so long as they do not allow themselves to view every stranger as a danger. History has shown that people generally help one-another in a crisis, and this should continue to be the case.

Anyone who plans to defend their territory with firearms will be held accountable for their actions in doing so. If one is firing upon a group of people before asking them to identify themselves and state their business is committing a crime. There is no reason to commit murder just because someone happens to be traveling through your neighborhood.

There is no reason to deny food or shelter to a family group, or any other band of people who come peacefully to the door. Most emergency scenarios are only temporary collapses and come due to war or natural disasters. Very few people who approach a homesteader are likely to be willing to kill them in order to ensure their own comfort or survival, and if they did, they would likely be tried for their crimes once the situation abates.

It would be foolish not to assume that a traveling group is totally unarmed. What could have become a helpful friend all too easily becomes a deadly foe once the shooting begins. Without cool heads prevailing, opportunity to help those in need can become an even worse tragedy, and nobody wins when bullets are wasted on defensive measures rather than hunting.

When a group of refugees is taken in and fed, it grants an opportunity to find out what kinds of skills or assets they might be able to bring to your table. How we handle crisis situations can define us as people, and it is important what history says about us. Rather than seeing a group as an unnecessary group of refugees, one might take the perspective that they are the start of an independent community.

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