Sunday 27 October 2013

The Revolution In The Format Of A Dialogue With God

By Kelly Wood

The Bible teachings are very much clear on a dialogue with God. The Old Testament is a section of the Bible that has dwelt so much on the early actions by the people of God, how they used to communicate to Him and how in most of the time He answered their prayers and requests. The story of Abraham was a very typical example of the communication that exists between His people and the elect.

In the story we are able to see Him instruct Abraham to leave his people and country and go to a foreign where he was to be told after he had left, Abraham then using a true blind faith, leaves his homeland and set his journey towards the place where he was told to go to all his properties.

Apart from this episode, we are also able to see people who had faith were able to communicate to God, informing Him about their problem and He was also able to give them His plan for His people. The communication was good at first but we are able to see deteriorating with time as the number of people in the world increased and the level of sin increased in the world.

We are also able to see Him talk to Abraham, Jacob, and also Moses, the first savior of the Israelites. At the time of Moses, God was not able to speak directly to the people directly. May be because of the filthy nature to which the Israelites presented their bodies before Him.

This has changed significantly leading to the use of different media to pass His message to His people. In modern times, the Christian are able to get His instructions through the Bible and act on them according to how the teachings are. He realized the when the words are not written down, then human beings do forget very fast and so he facilitated the writing of the bible to ensure that the words are kept as fresh and that they are not contaminated in any way.

When we look at the New Testament, we are able to see the face to face communication becoming more and more extinct with time, the earlier Christians like Apostle Paul and his comrades in Christ were not able to communicate to god directly, but they were able to pass their messages through Christ Jesus, who represent them to His Father.

At this point in time, the people God were not able to communicate to God but they were able to have a dialogue with Christ. And somebody may ask about the fate of this communication to man today. Yes this communication still exists up to date. In as much as the direct communication does not exist does not tell that Christians do not talk to their Mater.

They do, and it is commonly done through prayers. The earlier writings about God which were transformed into Bible depict the type of communication which exists in the present world. God inspired the writings of these books and verses in the Bible.

This explains why we have to include His name in all the prayers that we present to God so that He can present our pleas to the Master in Heaven. A dialogue with God was therefore made possible after the death and resurrection of Jesus.

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