Tuesday 29 October 2013

How To Become A Nurse Author

By Marsha Klein

There are several types of nurse author and all are in significant demand currently. There are those that write fictional stories in novel format often with a health sector theme and also screenwriters who write television shows and movies set in hospitals which are very popular among audiences. However, the majority write nonfiction works offering advice and knowledge on health care issues.

Nurses who have a belief that they can let others benefit from the experience and insight should not be afraid of taking to writing. There are some who feel that their only calling is to care for the sick and needy and that lofty ideas such as writing should be left to the professionals. However, this is a faulty worldview that needs to be addressed.

Indeed, most qualified nurses are more than qualified to make it as writers. They will have had apple preparation while they were at college studying for the nursing qualifications. During this time they will have been required to write complex dissertations and essays that necessitated research and logical presentation of material. This is the basic bedrock of all good writing.

Nurses who feel their job is to care for people should not feel that writing detracts from that calling. While it is true that the hands on primary care received from the nurses in hospitals is a great value, nurses can also provide another form of care through offering valuable information. The general public look to the writings of qualified professionals for advice. Also, you could also contribute to the information bank aimed at new people studying in your field.

Ordinary people are always seeking information on certain key topics related to health. Some of these topics include conception and pregnancy through to childbirth and the care of babies and infants. As people are living longer, there is also more interest in staying healthy in old age and caring for elderly people.

Indeed, more and more people are taking charge of their own health needs and trying to reduce the amount of time they spend visiting doctor surgeries and hospitals. Areas such as alternative healthcare and medicine are huge growth areas and areas in which it is relatively easy for professional practitioners such as nurses to branch into.

New communication technology, as opened up even more avenues than ever for writers to get their work read. Blogging is a great vehicle for nursing professionals to educate people about their health or about the healthcare sector in general. Most blogging is done as a labor of love but there is money to be made from it if you know how to go about it properly.

Self publishing offers new avenues for a nurse author to consider. It means that you do not have to satisfy the criteria of someone else of what is marketable and what is not. However, you will be responsible to doing your own marketing if sales success is an important factor for you.

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