Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Science of Getting Rich, I Have My Vision Now What?

By Sergio S. Brooks

If you are working through "The Science of Getting Rich," Then you start with a vision that encompasses all of your senses. If you stop there you just engage in wishful thinking. So what is next? The formula is in this simple quote from the book: By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.Hold this idea as you practice the ideas from the book and you will activate the law of attraction. Here are the next two steps: Continue to nurture the vision: "Hold the faith and purpose of increase," Wattles says, in the book. Don't allow your thoughts to slide back on circumstance or on anything but your vision, your compelling future. If contrary thoughts creep in you must replace them with thoughts of your future.
[The Science Of Getting Rich]

Some find it helpful to use words like: "cancel, cancel" as many times as necessary to cancel those conflicting thoughts. Cancel conflicting thoughts, then bring your focus back again to the vision that you have established. It is necessary to keep your mind in the NOW. Record the ideas that come from the visions.

Mastering your thoughts is the prerequisite to attracting riches into your life. You must learn to place your attention on what you intend to manifest rather than on what is. This is extremely difficult for most people. Thought mastery comes from your ability to harness your creative mind as opposed to your competitive mind. This is the essential "training" you must undertake because the default position of your mind is the competitive mind, which is in direct conflict to point number 3.Leaving the impression of increase in everything you do and with everyone you touch is one way you align with your creative mind. This is because you get back what you give, not what you want. When you focus on leaving the impression of increase, your focus is on serving others rather than yourself. By expressing gratitude, you further align your mind and your thinking with the creative energy of the universe. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that aligns closely with "love", which is the essence of the Universe.The secret to manifesting what you want is to use the technique of "creative visualization", or thinking in the "certain way". To manifest something new, simply hold a clear image of what want in your mind, with the feeling of appreciation and gratitude to the universe, and carry that image with you in everything you do.

If you have read part 2 of this article called "The Science of Getting Rich - How Anyone Can Become Rich - Part 2" then you will already have discovered that being creation oriented rather than competitive and; thinking and acting in a Certain Way will result in you becoming rich. Here in Part 3 we further explore practices in the science of getting rich.

"The Science of Getting Rich" is a call to action. Actions of the soul, actions that are natural, and actions that are a part of you. Work yes, but work that is out of you, work that brings you to your dreams and not just work done for money or for someone else; rather it is the kind of work that will bring you joy and your good result."The Science of Getting Rich" is a call to action. Whether you have read "The Science of Getting Rich" or not I invite you to experience it in a new way. Experience it as delivered and interpreted by Bob Proctor with some help from Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield.

Too many cooks have spoilt this broth and we have all gorged on this 'self-help motivational' banquet but in the end we just got mentally fatter rather than intellectually fitter. We got too much information and we got paralysed! We tried everything and got nowhere. We baked a cake that had a bit of Tony Robbins, a hint of Jack Canfield and Bob Procter all drizzled with generous amounts of Rhonda Byrne. The cake was a failure, it didn't rise, it was half-baked! Sound familiar? Know what I mean?

Hypnosis is a technique for influencing your mind by suggestion. Create positive suggestions and build a positive frame of mind. Repeat these suggestions over time and you will move from wherever you are into the frame of mind required to use the law of attraction. You will not only overcome but you will eliminate negative thought patterns that have sabotaged you up to this point. This is the general use of hypnosis.

Next take each of the 17 chapters of The Science of Getting Rich and create specific suggestions to make those chapters come alive in you. Chapter 1 is called "The Right To Be Rich." It is the perfect place to formulate suggestions to overcome any negative feelings that you might have about money or your right to have a lot of money. Your suggestion might be, "I have a right to be rich, I choose to be wealthy." You can use this as an affirmation, repeated to yourself in a waking state or you might relax yourself and say it under hypnosis for an even greater effect. Maximum results can be had by using the suggestion under both conditions.

And the message is short and sweet because the truth is always short and sweet. Most people don't need 645 pages to learn about the 'secret'. Most just want someone to say 'do this, do this then this will happen'. Most people want an instruction leaflet, a quick start manual, a 'how to'. In my opinion, Wallace Wattles' masterpiece is just that. Tell me what I want to know in a 55 or so pages and I'll listen to you and follow you up the mountain and make the tea! Wattles says some things in this book that would be considered controversial in 2010 never mind 1910! He touches on religion, family, the poor and even on information overload but his thinking makes sense, it all adds up, it hits the mark. All opinions are subjective hence personal and so, in my opinion, this book reveals simply the best advice for anyone seeking the formula to create, attain or attract wealth, success and life-enhancement. Neither Wallace Wattles nor I can guarantee you'll get rich or wealthy but after reading The Science Of Getting Rich, you might... and, in the end, you might even get the girl (or the guy).

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