Wednesday 13 February 2013

What Cords Of Attachment Can Do To You

By Paula Barron

There are many people with cords of attachment. In fact, at some time or the other, everybody has such a cord. Sometimes, it is easily detected. The fact of the matter is that everyone who has a had special relationship, has such a cord.

Sometimes, the human is able to heal this type of cord. Many people have negative cords as well. Sometimes, it will be found that there is someone that plays on the negative all the time, causing you pain and hurt at every angle. It is at times like these that the cord can become quite strong. Having a strong cord can be good and bad. Good in the sense that there is a special bond, or bad in that the human can become dependent on it.

During their stay here, it is often found that they make attachments with many other souls. They then create a cord attachment where it becomes clear that the relationship is very strong. Unfortunately, as with most life, there comes death. Souls progress all the time and the human body comes to an end.

Such connections can be between anyone. Mothers and their children, spouses, siblings and then also the people who become special to each other outside of the family unit can all share this sort of link. It must be remembered that sometimes these cords can be a little bit of a hindrance. This is especially true when the person has move on and the other people are left behind to fill the sudden void. When someone leaves this plane they are usually sorely missed by those left behind.

A close knit cord will undoubtedly be that between a mother and her children or even with the father of her children. Usually these types of cords are stronger than most and it is often the case where there is a union of souls, and the main people are soul partners. When there are such strong relationships, there are without doubt very strong cords.

The person left behind on the earth plane will definitely find it very difficult to live without the other. It is here that the cord is not cut. Once the passing has happened, the loved one may seem to want to make contact with the person left behind. The person on the each plane will desperately want to make contact with that loved one, or vice versa. Sometimes the only way to get on with your life is to try to sever the cords of attachment.

The best idea is to seek the advice of a spiritual healer, who specialises in the cutting of the cords of attachment. Such people are usually very skilled in this field, and it is you who must believe in something you can not actually see, rather than feel. Healers doing such work will have to see you for one or two sessions and they will then assist in cutting the cord.

Sometimes, you may find that it will be necessary to attend more than one session. It can sometimes take a lot of effort and the people doing this type of sensitive work must have experience in this field. The best thing a person can do for another person is to help them let go of their cords of attachment.

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