Monday 25 February 2013

How To Learn A New Language: A Language Hacking Guide Review

By Mark Spolsky

Putting together a Language Hacking Guide review must account for a number of positives. The work, in short, will assist most people in learning any foreign language. Those who have already learned secondary languages can nab additional informative tips from the guide.

Lewis is an admitted polyglot who has taken on and learned several new languages in only a few months each. His guide introduces an excellent array of learning tips, some of which are unconventional but nevertheless work extremely well.

The author focuses his work on a natural immersion process. No one learned his/her original tongue through careful study of vocabulary and grammar. Rather, conversational ability should be picked up organically, through speaking and listening. Thus, the guide does not focus on reading and writing or the academic aspects of grammar and usage. But this is also why it is so useful. It carefully hones in on language as a living entity, to be learned through conversation and not cold exercises.

Beyond specific tips, the guide works great as an encouraging friend. Lewis maintains that those venturing into a new frontier must stay positive no matter what. He is relentless on this point, and it really does work. A good attitude, and an ability to ward off discouragement, is a significant first step in accomplishing any task.

The book also makes it clear that people should stop speaking their native languages when moving on to second languages. Those people who attempt to remain with their old languages often find it hard to fully immerse themselves in the new ones. The old acts as a hindrance, preventing forward progress toward fluency.

Lewis runs through a list of tips that he has found helpful in his own studies. Many of them are simple but vital, such as avoiding speakers of one's own tongue, and making an effort to put oneself in situations where the prospective tongue can be practiced. The author also extensively discusses free resource sites, pointing the way to treasure troves of knowledge on the web.

This Language Hacking Guide review affirms that the work will be appreciated by anyone who appreciates the texture and romance of languages and culture. For those who are looking first and foremost for excellent advice on how to speak, this book offers easy-to-implement tips.

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