Friday 5 October 2012

What You Need To Know About Onion Tanks

By Sharlene Fleming

Portable storage units for water are usually classified into two categories. The first category is the unsupported type and the second one is the supported type. Each of these classes has got permanent and temporary storage types. Onion tanks are a kind of temporary supported class of storage units that are used in day-to-day requirements.

Blivets as such collapsible reservoirs are known as find majority of usage in fire fighting activities and in places that require emergency water supply. When fire fighters do not find a proper source of water to fight off a fire, they set up blivets right then and there and use it as their source for water. This saves time and is the best source to keep water handy.

The construction of blivets is such that they can be used safely without any contamination and with easy refilling. A cover on top and the use inlet valves with outlets ensures that the content inside remains properly insulated from the environment while being readily available for usage whenever required. Such storage units are available in more than one size and can be built to specification too.

These collapsible blivets are self-rising and self-supporting because of which they are commonly used in emergency relief situations or they can be used as a fast response tank to deal with leaks quickly. Oil spills can be tackled using absorbents kept in these tankers. In such a situation, blivets are placed directly beneath the leaking part in a factor such as a pump, pipe, valve or vehicle to collect all that flows out.

A few of the common areas where blivets find application are construction sites, water relays and mixing tankers that deal with decontamination activities, hazardous wastes or simply as secondary containers for domestic fires or wild fires.

The benefits of such storage mediums include simplicity in setting up, requiring one man handling, no external frame, being self supporting by its design, rising up as it fills up, lying flat when completely empty for easy transport, zero storage cost and open top or covered top choice.

A major issue seen in blivets is the baffle that tends to deteriorate over time. It is made from black rubberized material that acts as a sort of second skin to the storage unit attaching only with the top open end with simple hooks. Because it remains so exposed, the baffle can easily detach from the opening. Its major function is to ensure that any solid waste does not get into the container. Upon detaching, solids start mixing with the water inside increasing its turbidity and density. This in turn shall affect that outlet causing the soakway to get clogged. Over time, the sludge formed completely shuts down the outlet and renders the blivet useless. Since, it cannot be replaced neither repaired, one can only get a new blivet instead. Hence, this kind of tank is called a temporary unit.

Onion tanks have at most a 90-day working period, which means that they can be used continuously for no more than 90 days. Hence, they are usually used as the last resort to a permanent tank breaking down. Until repairs are possible, they perform the activity of the main tank. One other thing to note is that they cannot be used for sanitary or domestic water storage purposes.

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