Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Robert Jain: Common Questions And Answers Regarding Bad Credit

By Jason McDonald

Are you having trouble applying for a loan, or does it seem as though keeping up with your finances is an inhuman task? In situations like these, bad credit could be the culprit. To say that this can impact your financial situation would be an understatement, but it's easier to get yourself out of this situation than you may think. In fact, here are some of the most common questions about bad credit, in addition to answers provided by Robert Jain.

"What determines how high or low my credit score is?" There are numerous factors that names such as Bob Jain can draw your attention to. One of the most common factors is your payment history, which entails your current payments, any collections in your name, and the like. There is also the amount of money that you owe, such as to your bank or student loan provider. While there are other factors, these are the ones that appear to be more influential.

"Are there certain factors that lead to low credit scores?" There are a number of points worth discussing in this regard. Perhaps you've applied for numerous credit cards, such as at retail outlets, in a short span of time. Maybe you have existing credit cards with high or otherwise existing balances. It could also be a matter of not making payments on time. These examples can lead to one developing a low credit score, but they aren't out of luck if this happens.

"How does a low credit score impact me?" In short, in many ways. One of the reasons why people improve their credit scores is because they want to be approved for homes or apartments. They may also want to obtain loans that they wouldn't have been afforded access to otherwise. After all, you don't want to present yourself as a financial risk. Keeping your credit score in good standing impacts your quality of life in myriad ways.

"How can I increase my credit score?" If you find yourself in this predicament, follow these rules. First, focus on your credits cards and payments to find the highest interest rates; the higher the rate, the sooner its payment should be covered. Second, consider setting up online payments so that you don't miss a single due date. This goes a long way in ensuring that your credit score increases until it reaches the overall average or becomes even greater.

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