Saturday, 9 November 2013

6 Things To Avoid If You Want To Achieve Your Goals

By Lachlan Haynes

Goal setting is much more than simply saying you want something to happen. Unless you clearly define exactly what you want and understand why you want it the first place, your odds of success are considerably reduced. By avoiding the goal setting traps you can set goals with confidence and enjoy the satisfaction that comes along with knowing you achieved what you set out to do. So let's take a look at some of the biggest traps that need to be avoided.

1. You've set goals that don't motivate you. When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you (yes, you!) This means making sure that they are important to you, and that you feel there is value in achieving them. If you have little interest in the outcome, or they are irrelevant given the larger picture you have created for yourself, then the chances of you putting in the work to make them happen are slim. Why? Because goal achievement requires commitment, so to maximize the likelihood of success, you need to feel a sense of urgency and have an "I must do this" attitude. When you don't have this, you risk putting off what you need to do to make the goal a reality. So do your goals actually motivate you?

2. The goals you set are not SMART. By SMART, we don't mean your intelligence level. We mean specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based goals. In order for you to avoid this next goal setting trap, you should assess your goal and see if it follows the SMART format.

The goal you set must be clear. If you are not specific in the details of what you want to achieve, the timeline in when you want to achieve it, and your desired outcome, the chances are you may get lost along the way. Specific goals paint a clear path for your success.

Set measurable goals. Include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of success. If your goal is simply defined as "be healthier" how will you know when you have been successful? Without a way to measure your success you miss out on the celebration that comes with knowing you have actually achieved something.

Setting achievable goals can be tricky for some. You want to set goals that are challenging and not met too easily but you also need to be realistic. If you set yourself an unrealistic goal you may have no hope in attaining, especially if it is something out of your control, and you are setting yourself up for failure. Setting yourself up for failure will only lead to disappointment, frustration, and eat away at your self-confidence. On the contrary, if your goal is too easily achieved you may feel disappointed once you do accomplish it because you did not have to work that hard for it. This disappointment may pave the way later for a resistance in setting goals since you did not receive the feeling of triumph you expected. By finding the balance between realism and challenge, you set yourself up for a demanding climb but a rewarding pay out.

The goals you set must be relevant to your life and the direction you want to go. If you set irrelevant goals or goals that are incompatible with your lifestyle, you risk losing time, hard work, and possibly derailing yourself from the bigger picture. By keeping goals in sync with your life you will gain the focus you need to keep on track and maintain order.

You have no deadline. You must be aware of your successes in order to maintain a good self-image. Having time-based objectives keep you working with a sense of urgency that will find your progress coming that much more quickly.

3. Your goals live only in your head. When you can see your goals laid out in front of you, they have a real, actual presence that brings them into your life. Write them out, and keep them somewhere in which you are forced to see and acknowledge them every day. Rather than using language like, "I'd like to", or "I hope to", create more certainty by beginning sentences with language such as, "I will". This lends legitimacy to your goals, which will soon be apparent in your actions. When you use flimsy language, you give yourself a built-in excuse to procrastinate or take longer than necessary to achieve your goals.

4. Your goals don't have a plan. While you may have defined your goal and written them down, have you set an action plan? Sometimes we can get so excited at the idea of achieving the goal that we may forget to mark the actual steps needed to be taken along the way. While this is definitely an important aspect for long-term goals, it is also needed for smaller or short-term goals. The best thing you can do for yourself is to write out a list of the steps needed to reach your goal. As you hit each milestone cross it off of your list and celebrate your achievement. You are one step closer!

5. Your goals do not allow for your skill level. Although ensuring your goals are quantifiable is important, language such as "shed 20 lbs" or "win first place" can be discouraging. If you are able to shed five lbs, you've achieved something that many are unable to do - but if you're only celebrating your success when you hit the 20 mark, you lose your ability to see the successes you are making along the way by feeling you've failed yourself. Understand that there may be delays or that larger goals may take some time. If you get third place, have you failed? Or, is this an important step - and possibly and important lesson as well - along the way?

6. You have given up too quickly. When times get tough, it is easy to give up. Did you give yourself enough time to achieve your goal? Or did you lose focus and get off track? Set up reminders for yourself on a weekly basis to check in with how you are doing. Even a few minutes to take check of your progress can pay off big in the end. You may find that your deadlines, goal milestones, or action plan need to be modified from time to time and that is okay. The most important thing is to stay focused, motivated, and confident. Don't give up; your success is just around the corner!

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