Saturday, 14 September 2013

How To Attract Good Luck And Change Your Life

By Alva D. Miller

Some individuals spend years in school preparing for a specific career field where they hope to find a quality company and earn a significant income. Others have connections in a career field where they can start at an entry level position and work their way up in the company. Still others work simply to meet the demand for earning an income and living away from home. If you would like to find a change in your life where a plan may not have worked, consider the potential life changing opportunities of wealth creation.
[How Do You Change Your Life]

Obtaining Financial Freedom.One of the most significant stresses a person faces is found with meeting their current expenses, investing in their family, and planning for their future. Each day a financial transaction can mean the difference between planning for retirement or paying a bill that exceeds the income you generate. With the opportunities that exist from wealth creation, you will be able to establish a low demand second income to help meet your financial needs.This can prove to be the greatest stress relieving technique available to obtain the financial freedom so many others desire.Real Retirement Potential.

Besides noticing what you see around you, also follow your whims, and go with your gut instinct. For example, once when I was traveling in Greece with my boyfriend and we had a big fight. I left, and went wandering down the streets to be alone. A gut instinct told me to go into a little jewellery shop, and I did. I ended up meeting the nicest Greek family ever, who invited me to lunch and gave me a beautiful necklace to remember them by. The afternoon turned into a very positive experience because I followed a gut instinct instead of being by myself and feeling sad. It was not good luck that my day turned around. It was the fact that I created the day by following my instincts.

Unbelievable things happen all the time, and if you are open to them, they will happen to you more often. It is possible to make things happen and change your life in so many ways, personal, emotional, and financial. It's amazing how your financial situation will change in direct proportion to how you grow personally, and what you are thinking. That is why successful people seem to have more magic, and attract good luck more easily.The most important thing is to stop feeding our minds with the garbage that surrounds us in our daily lives like television, radio, and newspaper, and to start taking in positive input through books and inspirational videos and audios. Our mind takes everything in and absorbs it and we attract what we think.

Motivational material can be anything. If you read the Bible, try reading Psalms and Proverbs for 20 minutes a day. There are also many great authors available that you can read. My personal favorites are Tony Robbins, Lisa Diane, Jack Canfield, and Wallace Wattles, the author of "The Science of Getting Rich".Meditate.Meditation is one of the best ways to help you relax both mind and body and then get focused. Focus is key to reaching all your goals, so you want to get as focused as you possibly can. The secret to changing your life and getting what you want is doing things that will take you to your goals. You start with belief, and then you take action. Use meditation to help you get rid of all the distractions in your life and focus on what is important.

For the next 30 days, turn off the TV and other negative media in your house and instead, fill your mind with positive personal growth and development information, and on taking action towards your own personal life plan. This is not only the best way to change your life, but also a way to be happier with yourself in general and to free yourself from the overwhelm you may be feeling in life and business.

When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony is to change your thinking. In order to change your outer world you must first change your inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well. Altering your behavior will change the course of your life. Here are 5 simple ways to achieve peace and harmony.Observe Your Internal Chatter. If you find your thoughts are negative or limiting, stop and replace those thoughts with positive ones. Your internal chatter is a good forecast to the direction your life is headed. Meditation is a good way to clear that negative chatter, and assist you in changing your thought process.

Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say. Healthy communication is a key element in keeping peace and harmony in your life. Good communication eliminates being misunderstood, and prevents stressful situations. Saying what you mean not only gives you a sense of peace, you also earn the respect from others when they know you are true to your word.

Researchers have found that mindfulness has a number of effects on the brain. When we focus our attention on anything, this tends to reduce the amount of thinking going on. Then the mind and the body calm a little and we get the opportunity to begin to see our patterns of thinking and feeling. After a little practice we begin to be able to uncouple our thinking from feeding back onto the way we feel. This happens as we get into the habit of paying more attention to what's going on for us in the present moment. We begin to feel things more. We're more aware of what's actually going on for us. We're better able to take a step back from situations rather than get carried away by our habits of thought. This help us to be less reactive and take things more lightly. We're able to let go of unhelpful thinking and behavior and follow a more useful course of action.

Practice Guided Visualization. This technique involves sitting comfortably, and listening to a tape or an instructor who guides you through a relaxing scenario. The setting is calm, tranquil, and peaceful allowing your mind and body to connect. You can create what you visualize, and with the aid of your subconscious mind, the possibilities are limitless.Get Organized. Organizing your surroundings, and managing your time wisely helps give you a clear head for making wise choices. Your choices are dependent on your thoughts that precede it. How can you make a wise decision if your thoughts are cluttered and unorganized? Start organizing your life now, and see how fast you can change your life.Thoughts are powerful, after all, everything ever created started with a thought. You are creating your tomorrow with the thoughts you have today. Taking control of your thoughts will give you a sense of stability, and with that stability brings peace and harmony.

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