Sunday, 15 September 2013

Can Anyone Develop The Power Of Positive Thinking?

By Dillen Mulders

Many people consider the power of positive thinking as utter nonsense. They don't take it seriously. They scoff at people who believe it because they either don't know what they meant, or they don't consider them effective.However, those who accept it do not know how to use it to get the desired results. Then again, this subject is gaining popularity as manifested by the many courses, lectures, and books about it.
[Power Of Positive Thinking]

One of the most powerful weapons one can have is the "positive thinking". Positive thinking brings inner peace, satisfaction, success, improved relationships, happiness, and better health. It also helps to move smoothly in day-today affairs, and makes life bright and promising. Positive and negative thinking are contagious. People with positive thinking are more likely to be helped rather than people who are negative.

Here, are some beneficial instructions to help you develop the power of positive thinking.The power of positive thinking can subconsciously shape your life, but you can make it a conscious one.Ignore what other people will say when you change the way you think.Visualize beneficial situations.Only use positive words when talking with other or in your inner dialogues.Smile because it will help you think positively.When negative thoughts enter your mind, replace it with constructive ones. It will reenter your mind, but you have to replace it again. Eventually, your persistence to replace negative thoughts will teach your mind to think positively.If you think positively, circumstances will change and give you favorable results no matter what your circumstances are.Another useful technique is creative visualization and affirmations.

There are thousands of thoughts which bombard our mind almost every day. Everyday We think about our job, career, relationships, education and so on, hence we mess up thinking about too much things at a single time. It is a smart idea to focus on thing at a time. If you really want to get good results the focus on the solution not the problem."Whatever you think, that youll be". If you think yourself weak, weak youll be; if you think yourself strong, strong youll be"

This statement of Swami Vivekanand has great meaning and it can really have a huge impact on our life. We most of the time knowingly or unknowingly decides who are we going to be. Those who understand this early, they are the ones wholl reap the benefits of Positive thinking.Having faith and belief in self is an important trait in one's personality. Willingness to work hard, acceptance of weaknesses and striving to correct them is what we need to lead a successful life.If you really want to change your mindset then for a start, try avoiding negativity and focus on the positive things. Always appreciate what you have got rather than what you haven't. After practicing this for a few days, you will have a much better attitude and outlook toward life.

Instead focus on the positive, giving attention and thoughts to a happy space that you can create for yourself. Look at all the caring people around you, show appreciation to your friendships, your family and your loved ones and keep in mind that a negative person may be draining to those people.

The emotions you feel work FOR you exclusively, first and foremost. This applies to ALL feelings you have and send, even for external things such as events and people. If you see someone with something that you desire and feel negative about it with anger, envy, or sadness, then that is the command you are transmitting to the universe! By focusing on the negative, you are asking for the circumstances that will make you feel negativity, exactly as you have asked. Your intentions may be good but you have unknowingly used the power of positive thinking against itself. Reverse your feelings and reverse your life!

Now list one problem in your life but try and find a positive aspect about it, for example if you were unemployed you would have enjoyed spending a little more time with your family. Try and do this with any problems you encounter, so you are focussing on the positive instead of highlighting the negative and making it even bigger! You will find this will also help you with finding solutions to those problems.

Rejoice when life displays it's treasures for you! Realize now that your life is meant to be full, joyous, and exceedingly happy. If you discover something that feels exciting to you and you feel a desire for it, this is the universe "offering" you an experience. Your job is to seek out and recognize the things that you want to have, become, and create. You have a truly limitless supply of abundance and power at your disposal and all you have to do is use the power of positive thinking to access it! Fuel your desire for what you want by focusing on the positive feelings you will have when you receive it! Disregard all doubts, all fears, and all worries completely. Accept into your mind ONLY positive thoughts and feelings, not only for what you will have, but for those who are enjoying your desire now. Whatever you feel you attract more of, even if what you feel is for someone else!

The more you use the power of positive thinking to direct your emotions the more gratitude will swell within you. Nurture this over-all "good" feeling of thankfulness for all you have, all you will have, and for the power you are tapping into. Allow the love within you to completely fill the voids of emptiness and despair that plague so many needlessly. The more love you send the more you will receive what you love back. And the more love you will have filling your life until it is overflowing throughout all areas of your life, and into others' as well. You can be whatever you want. You can have whatever you want. You can create the story of your life right now. All you have to do is think about what you love, and FEEL your love for it. Do this with a grateful heart and have the faith to NOT understand how, why, or when you will get what you want. Just trust in your positive thoughts and the feelings they inspire within you. Within them awaits the secret truth you've carried in your heart yet searched so hard to discover. That you can have, do, and become ANYTHING you desire. You just have to ask, and you do this by how you choose to feel!

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