Friday 29 May 2015

Why Sweating The Small Stuff Really Matters

By Evan Sanders

Where does confidence come from? Is it something you are just born with or can we actually create confidence in time? Yes, some people just seem to have it. But as someone who once had it, lost it completely, and had to build it all back from the start, I'm going to tell you that you can do some pretty fascinating things with building some iron faith in your life.

It might be that you have none in your life right now, or that you just need some more because you know exactly how much it would help you with making decisions. But really, where does this confidence come from? There are these little things I really like to call momentum builders that help you create confidence over time. Confidence, and the development of enduring confidence comes from the activity of sweating the details, the little stuff, the things that people frequently overlook. Why are these momentum builders important? Because when you can nail the tiny details down, and truly knock those out of the park day in and day out, you build yourself some forward movement. You essentially get yourself out of the mud and heading in a direction. Often, going in any direction is better than not moving at all. You actually begin to say, "Okay, I was capable of doing these things and brought these good habits into my life..what else am I truly capable of?" Now you are entering into a place of true magic. You see, when you really nail the small stuff, the huge things become more attainable. It's when we try to go for the gigantic goal without having the integrity of targeting the little things that really set us up for failing.

So sweat the small stuff. Really take the time to deeply focus on the achievable measure of your life, and over time, start going for bigger goals. What if you fail? Take a step back down and refocus on what you can accomplish, and try and try again. This is a pretty simple path to success. In fact, the quantum leap is exactly what you should not be focusing on.

A lot of people get put off when they try something gigantic in life and fail. In reality most people will try something 3 times and then give up without every coming back to it. But if you build some heavy momentum, you'll have the confidence to try something over and over and over again till you get it 100% right.

Isn't that a much better way to live life?

Build some serious momentum behind you and you are capable of amazing things.

But first, you need to sweat the little stuff.

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