Thursday, 4 July 2013

Attainment Of Self Realization Actualization State

By Neva Grant

Realization of self realization actualization situation is process that takes time to reach. It involves full identification of true self and implementation of various aspects towards the achievement of this true personality using the available resources such as time and good planning. This time can be long or short depending on the determination and commitment this individual puts in place towards this process.

In life today, the vital thing is finding out what to do and doing that particular thing. Some people may have this idea but the passion and urge to implement it lacks. At this point, the internal drive has to be in possessed by this individual. This calls for adequate planning and working out the two together. It becomes useless where the drive to perform the task is missing.

Commencement requires meditation on the life this person is living. There is quite a number who attain this state without any knowledge. As of such, they are unhappy with whatever they are engaged in at that particular time be it a job or business. They do not enjoy that particular activity at all.

In this entire plan, the process commences with determination of both the strong and weak points in life. These two determine the extent one can go and the hindrances towards this journey. The strengths are there to be maximized on whereas the weak points should be avoided and minimized fully since they act as derailing factors. This makes it necessary for the individual to be aware of them in order to know what to do concerning the two components.

Others give up quite easily since what they expected does not come overnight. This is a bad attitude towards this journey of self discovery. Not all things happen overnight as expected. Some take a very long period of time, even years for instance. Here, this individual needs to keep on waiting. In case it becomes extreme, taking a vacation to clear up the mind is the recommended remedy.

With all these points in place and well implemented into the system, success can be felt and tasted. This is through setting up plans and goals which are achievable and drive the person to full implementation of the entire scheme. Here, no delusion is allowed because it may be the falling point of this program which has taken a long time to reach where this person has reached.

Even with the above mentioned condition, some still can not get over the fantasizing aspect. Not being able to get over this could be the biggest down fall of whatever has been worked hard upon. To ease this trouble, carrying out research and studies on accomplishment of all the set goals assist greatly.

When success has been noted, this is the time when it can be said that the state of self realization actualization has been achieved. This forms the last step of the entire process but, successful achievement is a process and not a not time thing. This journey is not easy, painful moments will arise and the individual needs to portray determination and resilience during the entire time frame.

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