When you decide that you want to send your child to a private school you are sure to be surprised by just how many there are. Within the States, 25% of both elementary and secondary schools are private. Since there are so many, choosing the right kind can be tricky. You will find military schools, day and boarding schools, and more, all listed as private. When you understand what differences exist between them, you will have an easier time making a decision.
Are private schools and independent schools the same? Although the terms are used interchangeably, it is important to understand that there are differences between these. More often than not, private schools are governed by a larger organization - a church or religious body, for instance. Catholic schools are a good example. On the other hand, schools that are considered to be independent or not, and have their own governing body or trustees. Both the private and independent schools obtain funding through donors and sundry fees.
Country day schools, or just day schools, are also often private. They are usually to be found in the suburbs. Your child will attend school during the day. Residential schools and boarding schools provide accommodation for the learners. Boarding schools and residential schools are different in that kids attending the latter reside at the school during the week, but return home for the weekends.
Special needs schools are for those kids that have special requirements. While some deal is perfect for kids with emotional needs, others are suited for children that have physical disabilities, or learning difficulties. Then there are those that cater for kids who want to focus primarily on one particular talent, so that it can be honed. You will need to be very careful when choosing a school of this kind if that is what you are looking for. If this is the situation with your child you will need to be specific about what you need from the school.
Military schools are great if your child is interested in the military. Finding one for your child should not be too difficult as there are a number of them to choose from. These kinds of schools put a lot of emphasis on team building, patriotism, leadership, and so on.
For those that wish to pursue their faith and religious convictions, a religious school, such as Catholic schools for Catholic kids, would be the answer. Your child will be schooled in the tenets of the religion, the beliefs, and practices. While some are structured and strict, others are not. Sometimes catholic school Sydney are referred to as parochial schools and there are many to choose from. They are funded by the Church, donations, and through fundraising events.
There are other private and independent schools such as the Montessori and Waldorf schools. These schools focus on specific aspects not normally addressed in other schools. At Montessori schools the students are taught to be individual and independent. At these schools there is no grading system and children are not rewarded and punished as in other schools. Kids that attend Waldorf schools are taught to discover their imaginations. These schools put a lot of emphasis on music and art, while also not using the grading system common in other schools.
Are private schools and independent schools the same? Although the terms are used interchangeably, it is important to understand that there are differences between these. More often than not, private schools are governed by a larger organization - a church or religious body, for instance. Catholic schools are a good example. On the other hand, schools that are considered to be independent or not, and have their own governing body or trustees. Both the private and independent schools obtain funding through donors and sundry fees.
Country day schools, or just day schools, are also often private. They are usually to be found in the suburbs. Your child will attend school during the day. Residential schools and boarding schools provide accommodation for the learners. Boarding schools and residential schools are different in that kids attending the latter reside at the school during the week, but return home for the weekends.
Special needs schools are for those kids that have special requirements. While some deal is perfect for kids with emotional needs, others are suited for children that have physical disabilities, or learning difficulties. Then there are those that cater for kids who want to focus primarily on one particular talent, so that it can be honed. You will need to be very careful when choosing a school of this kind if that is what you are looking for. If this is the situation with your child you will need to be specific about what you need from the school.
Military schools are great if your child is interested in the military. Finding one for your child should not be too difficult as there are a number of them to choose from. These kinds of schools put a lot of emphasis on team building, patriotism, leadership, and so on.
For those that wish to pursue their faith and religious convictions, a religious school, such as Catholic schools for Catholic kids, would be the answer. Your child will be schooled in the tenets of the religion, the beliefs, and practices. While some are structured and strict, others are not. Sometimes catholic school Sydney are referred to as parochial schools and there are many to choose from. They are funded by the Church, donations, and through fundraising events.
There are other private and independent schools such as the Montessori and Waldorf schools. These schools focus on specific aspects not normally addressed in other schools. At Montessori schools the students are taught to be individual and independent. At these schools there is no grading system and children are not rewarded and punished as in other schools. Kids that attend Waldorf schools are taught to discover their imaginations. These schools put a lot of emphasis on music and art, while also not using the grading system common in other schools.
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