Saturday 23 September 2017

Discovering The Apostle Paul Teachings And Letters

By George Baker

To understand the early concepts of Christianity, one must first understand the apostles. More specifically, one must be able to comprehend The Apostle Paul Teachings and writings. For, the apostle was the first to transition from the Jewish faith to that of a Christian one.

Online resources related to Paul include, several papers and other materials which refer to the life and times of this apostle and others. For those who attend church or Sunday School, there are often classes and sermons related to the apostle on a regular basis. In addition, a number of university and public libraries host books, videos and other materials which are representative of Paul and the earliest days of Christianity.

For those who enjoy film and television, there are also a few different series related to the apostle. In most cases, these come in sets with a number of different volumes related to different apostles and areas of the Cristian faith. Although, there are some which compare and contrast Judaism and Christianity though a look at Paul and his early letters to the Church.

While the information can be quite varied, there are only a few actual letters in the archives. While this is the case, the fact that a few original letters, while difficult to read, are often considered proof of the apostle's existence on earth. Still, the letters do give insight to the fact that Paul actually had a vision which resulted in a spiritual transformation from one belief to another.

Several books of the Bible also represent the information held in these letters. While many religious scholars believe the scriptures to hold great meaning, others remain skeptical. As such, while the text found in Romans, Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Philemon, Philippians, First Corinthians, Galatians and First Thessalonians share in these teachings, not all believe the wording to be as accurate or meaningful as others.

While the letters of Paul appear to share a great deal of information on the sightings of a living Christ, many believe this to have simply been a dream. Whereas, others, most often the most devout of believers take the sighting to be a real image of the risen Christ and one which created the Christian faith.

Ultimately, each individual must find the truth that aligns with personal belief systems. Most often, these beliefs have been taught down through generations based on past family religious ties and beliefs. However, in some cases, there are those who set out on a spiritual journey to find one's own truth based on life experience.

In most cases, Christians believe in a holy trinity. The trinity being the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. However, different sects of the faith often have different ideas when it comes to the concept of heaven and hell. For example, some believe Christ died for the sins of all people and all are children of God, the Father and have been cleansed of sin. Whereas, others believe if one does not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then that person will perish in a lake of fire, otherwise known as hell.

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