Thursday, 13 November 2014

Where The Casing Puller Is Used

By Mayra Pierce

Well drilling is a process for extraction of a natural resource such as oil; this involves several processes. Of course once well drilling is finished, the well casing has to be immediately done, with the help of the casing puller, elevators, iron roughnecks, etc., to ensure that no oil will come out and contaminate the environment while pumping. It is also necessary to prevent contamination of oil caused by fluids or mud on the walls. Below are some functions of the casing used in the process.

There is a lot of pressure in the lithosphere and other layers which the well is drilled before reaching the oil reservoir. This pressure if left unchecked can cause the well walls to collapse and cave in blocking the oil stream. A tube has to be inserted in the bore of the well to strengthen the walls and protect them from such pressure to be in use for even centuries without caving in.

The quality of crude oil has to be high and exactly the same as to the one coming out of the reservoir. This can't be guaranteed if the walls are not cased since the underground water will find its way to the oil stream and mix with it if there is no any case. A case will prevent the fluids from mixing but cutting any kind of contact that can happen.

Once the well's borehole is drilled either diagonally or vertically, there will be steel pipes running through it till it gets down to the bottom. Each of the pipes is usually 40 feet in length and can be connected to some other pipes to form a chain (string) of pipes because of the threads at the end of each one. Each two pipes can be connected by a collar.

Once the steel pipes have been inserted into the well, they must reach the reservoir. Once this happens, a test pump will take place, in order to ensure that everything is in perfect working condition, without the presence of leaks or any type of contamination. Should the test find any contamination, a removal of it will take place. To rid the fluid of any contamination, small amounts of drill bit will be sent into the pipes. In addition, a special drilling fluid is pumped down the steel pipes to clean out the contamination.

There is some space between the well walls and the pipe and the pipes can't be left suspended like that. They have to be fixed to remain in position for a long time. This is achieved by pumping slurry of cement into the space between the wall and the case which is then allowed to dry after which is holds the pipe in fixed position.

The steel casings are inserted after each drilling stage and cement added before moving on to the next phase, which means the drilling is done in stages by itself after inserting and cementing those steel pipes. Moreover, it also means that in each of the stages, there will be case with smaller diameter which can match the inside one used in previous stage.

Some areas will need to have an extra case which is called the intermediate casing. It is usually done to any zone that is showing weaknesses that can cause the well drilled to cave in even when it is cased. It adds strength to that zone to make sure it doesn't fail.

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