Wednesday 30 October 2013

Containment Berms For Hazardous Spills

By Marsha Klein

Spill containment berms are a very useful product that over the years has seen very little change to it's overall design. The product is very useful and almost necessary in spill situations as they can contain the material that was spilled to a controllable area. They can be used both proactively and retroactively.

These are also very useful in situations that call for some sort of protection. They can be used in flood situations where there is concern about how high the water level might get. The berms can be placed strategically to prevent the overflow from a river from getting into the houses of people close to the waterway.

Containment berms that sit right under the truck will catch anything that does not get carried away with the tube. So, while the tanker and the exit tubes are working to clear its belly of the waste, the berm is keeping everything around the area clean. Now these are just a couple uses for these wonderful products but that is not all. Of course not.

The industries that utilize the berms are varied. Even sports use them occasionally to keep liquid and almost frozen water in a certain area for outside ice rinks. Park districts use them to contain water near rivers or to keep snow in certain areas and formations. Even new technologies has started to infiltrate the manufacturing process.

Of course this is an off-label use of the product and as such not condoned by the manufacturer. However, it does bring us to the next bit of information regarding these products. That is the self-made models. There is machinery that you can get that will carve out the perfect berm-sized ledge and at the same time spit out the rubberized coating for the ledge as well.

The portable and mobile styles really come in handy during large spills, especially if the ones that are on hand at the facility where the spill occurred are already in use. They will need more and a larger area covered and that is where the portable ones fit right in. They can be adjusted and are able to follow the course of the spill.

Some of the older ones only have one or two ways or shapes they can lay out in. The newer portable ones can be put together in the shape that is needed so they can keep the fluid or chemical from reaching anything or anybody. Especially if there is an obstruction in the way that prevents the berm from setting up. The portable models can adapt to this.

Containment berms today are made from a few different materials but they are all tired and true. The products being sold on the market are also proven in the field. If there is a need for one you cannot pass on the berms. Especially the portable models as these come in handy more often than you might guess.

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