Saturday 27 October 2018

Astral Projection Help And Associated Experiences

By Ruth Foster

When it comes to diving into the supernatural or paranormal, individuals often find many different areas of interest. For some, it might be the art of Tarot and learning about psychic energies. While for others, it can often be astral projection help and how the process works. In either case, individuals will find true believers as well as skeptics.

First, it is important to understand the terms and processes associated with this type of out of body experience. To start with, astral projection and astral travel are actually the same process. While this is the case, the earliest experiences were referred to as astral projection.

Originally used as the term for the esoteric act of soul transference, astral travel has now become a common act among those in New Age circles. While this sounds like one soul replaces another, this is not at all the case. Rather, the individual experiencing an out of body experience can view and experience other locations. As such, anyone attempting to do so must believe in a connection between body, mind and soul in order to experience this type of astral travel.

It is also believed that the soul can travel throughout the universe as a viewer without any sense of a destination. Whether having willingly or unwillingly induced such an experience, it can be an interesting process. In most cases, individuals induce an out of body experience through drugs or meditation. Most often, those whom have these experiences unwillingly are under anesthesia for a procedure or are experiencing some other type of chemical reaction.

In some cases, astral travel has been associated with hypnotism. While possible, since hypnotists are generally used to revisit a past occurrence, or shape behavior with regards to bad habits, there remains a great deal of skepticism as to how the two might be related. In addition, since there has been no scientific proof as to the possibility of astral travel, most often the two are seen as pseudo-sciences.

Regardless of such scientific proof, those whom have had out of body experiences whether through hallucination or hypnosis tend to prove the possibility exist. As such, the practice is now considered a pseudoscience or paranormal event. Whether willingly or unwillingly, there have also been those whom during an operation have reported watching over the doctors whom were performing a procedure while under anesthesia.

Many individuals use the process to travel from one location to another when being there in body is not possible. While this is the case, there are also others whom use the process to escape bodily pain and anguish. As some individuals, or souls, have been known to get lost during the process, it is often advised that anyone whether inducing such experience willingly or unwillingly, have a baby sitter or look out.

Regardless of how an individual induced this type of experience, it is important to maintain contact with the body during the process. There may also be times when an individual is enjoying a trip so much that returning to the body can often be difficult. As such, it is often good to have another person present in case the individual needs assistance upon attempting re-entry into the body.

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