Saturday 3 December 2016

What Are Flavonoids And Why Should You Care?

By Kathleen Hall

Everywhere you look these days there are articles and television programs devoted to the newest diet guaranteed to drop pounds from your body and inches from your waist without the inconvenience of exercise or moderation. As soon as one of these miracle plans disappears two others take their place. It's no wonder people are so confused about what the right thing is to eat and how important calories are and how much water you need to drink every day. One thing most nutritionists are pretty much in agreement on however is the importance of flavonoids in our daily diet.

You may have never heard the word before, or it may sound familiar but you don't really know what it is or how it pertains to your life. Put in simple English, these are a family of nutrients with thousands of members. They are found everywhere, but are most importantly in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables. Green tea is a great source of the nutrients as well.

You already know what they are even though you may not recognize the name. For years, doctors and food specialists have been pushing people to eat leafy green vegetables and brightly colored fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. They don't always explain that what makes them so vivid and attractive are the nutrition they contain.

These nutrients have a number of health benefits associated with them. For one thing they are high in antioxidants. It is a little complicated to explain, but when oxidants get into our body they can change molecules and create free radicals. Too many free radicals can cause a lot of problems unless they are kept in check.

Keeping the blood vessels in the heart free of clogs is very important. These nutrients help with that as well. They seem to promote the good cholesterol we need. Certain herbs contain the nutrients such as rosemary, oregano, and garlic. Adding these herbs to a diet that includes meat can be very beneficial.

Another benefit to your heart, as well as the rest of your body, is the anti inflammatory aspect. It may seem obvious that inflammation is not a good thing. When it occurs in a wound or causes some kind skin rash, you can actually see what damage it can do. It will do the same kind of damage inside your body unless you do something to keep it in check.

Scientists seem to be divided on how important these nutrients are in lowering the risk of cancer. Some believe that its anti inflammatory properties and anti oxidizing abilities can help cells from becoming cancerous. They know that these nutrients are excellent for detoxification, and some think this might lower the risk of cancer. More studies have to be done before there is definitive agreement.

Establishing a healthy eating pattern and sticking to it is a wonderful example to set for your children. Everyone enjoys an occasional sinful treat, but healthy and balanced meals should be the norm.

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