Saturday 27 August 2016

Alternative Earthcare: Common Questions About Poison Ivy

By David Kellan

Poison ivy is one of the more unfortunate creations of nature, particularly if you come into contact with it. Many people know it as the plant that leaves unsightly rashes, but this is more or less the tip of the much bigger iceberg. Alternative Earthcare will agree, especially with the experience that such companies have had with poison ivy. If you'd like to learn more, here are some of the most common questions that have been asked.

"How does poison ivy cause rashes, anyway?" Even though this is the main symptom of poison ivy contact, you might not know how it's caused in the first place. The plant's leaves and stems have a substance known as urushiol oil, which is found in other plants as well. Some people are more sensitive to this oil than others, which explains why some rashes look more intense than others. Upon contact with poison ivy, thorough washing with soap and water is recommended.

"When should the rash fade?" The rash discussed earlier, along with other symptoms related to poison ivy, usually don't last long. In fact, companies along the lines of Alternative Earthcare will tell you that you'll see better results in a week or two. Consider the possibility of more extreme cases, though, since not everyone reacts to poison ivy the same. If these symptoms become more severe - and Hampton tick control specialists will agree - medical attention will be needed.

"Is it true that you become more immune to poison ivy with repeated exposure?" The simple answer to this would be, "No." There's no clear evidence that repeated exposure builds your immune system in this sense. If anything, this can actually make the aforementioned symptoms more aggressive, which can increase the likelihood of medical problems down the road. The best advice that can be given, as far as poison ivy exposure is concerned, is to be aware of your surroundings and protect yourself.

With these questions and answers in mind, your understanding of poison ivy should be sharper. Even though rashes are commonplace, they are far from the only things to worry about when exposed to it. However, it's not like you have to come into contact with poison oak, especially if you hire a company that specializes in tick control. Seeing as how it can potentially remove poison ivy from your lawn, you should feel more confident about your overall wellness.

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