Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Think About SAT Prep Courses Palm Beach Florida

By Lisa Burns

The first SAT exam goes back to 1926. The acronym stood for Scholastic Aptitude Test. In 1993 the exam was given the new name of Scholastic Assessment Test. It is unclear exactly why, but in 1997 the College Board issued an official statement saying that SAT no longer stands for anything, but is currently being used as a trademark for the exam. In the early years it was said that there was no way to prepare for the test. This is no longer the accepted belief. There is proof that the prep courses improve the scores. SAT prep courses Palm Beach will help prepare you for the test and give you the confidence to earn a higher score.

If you have been preparing on your own for your upcoming test, be advised that the 2016 SAT has changed. Students need to have access to a prep course that is focused on the 2016 exam. In the past, students who had taken the test without preparation, then took the test a second time with professional preparation increased their scores by as much as 370 points.

Many of the test questions are intended to confuse the test taker. Even when students know the answer, they may answer incorrectly because they did not fully comprehend the question. This one factor can result in lower scores. The SAT course show students how to identify these questions and explains how to decipher the question to make sense of it. This skill will improve test scores.

There are several choices of programs to prepare for the SAT. Course options include in person classroom or online classes. There are class schedules to suit the lifestyles of most students. Professionals in the business of preparing young people for college work to accommodate the schedules of busy students.

If you have a chance to attend a free event offered by the programs, they are very informative. Students will understand the various options available, and instructors will demonstrate why the courses are so helpful. After this event, students appreciate the value of preparing for the SAT.

Palm Beach has college consultants who help students in more ways than passing their SATs. The college consultants will also help students select the colleges best for their individual needs. The consultants will help students prepare for and arrange college interviews. They will help with preparation of the college applications so the students strengths are emphasized. Finally, they will advise students and parents of all the available financial aid and grants.

College is a truly significant decision for a young person to make. They should be taught to start planning for college during their early high school years. Acceptance into a college is based on more than grades. Extra curricular activities and overall high school performance factor into decisions made by the universities.

Palm Beach, Florida is an affluent community with mansions and well educated residents. Most of the parents and their high school children are focused on getting into the best college for their goals and strengths. College consultants and SAT prep courses give students the best chance of successfully getting into the school of their choice.

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